Spring Painting Maintenance in Davis, CA
Spring Fever in Northern California!
Spring is coming and most of us typically think about cleaning the interior of our homes and thinning out our junk. This is a great time after winter to look at the exterior of our homes to assess maintenance needs. Even if you have a recently painted exterior in the last year or two, things can shift, shrink and expand. To prolong the life of a recent paint job, it’s good to maintain the sides of the home that take more abuse from extreme weather conditions. Usually the south side and west side of a home are exposed to longer hours of heat during the day. These areas can dry out sooner, expand and contract causing the need for more maintenance to prolong the life of a good exterior paint job.
Another thing homeowners don’t realize is that washing the exterior of your home yearly keeps dirt off and extends the life of a paint job and colors selected. Using low sheen or satin finishes on your exterior home these days is common. A good low sheen or satin finish washes easier, retains better color retention and provides a harder shell finish for durability.
Brooks Painting offers a “Painter for a Day” program that is great for offering customers maintenance services. Our “Painter for a Day” services can include touching up interior or exterior paint, weatherizing and power washing exteriors.