Color Speaks! Painting of New Gym in Davis CA
The power of color can do many things to a commercial facility. If you own a building, commercial center or have a place for business, color can stimulate positive change. There are many vacant shopping centers due to small business moving or closing, but many centers that are busy have something in common. The colors of the shopping center and their presence of being well maintained have kept store renters and shoppers coming.To keep your business renters and to have an active center grow, it needs to be updated and maintained to appeal to business owners. The presence of appealing colors can make your building or buildings look like a place to be. Times have been tough for business and building owners, but to not keep your building looking its best may not only cause loss of revenue but add costly repairs over time.
Changing paint color on a building causes positive attention and makes businesses and customers want to see the new change. Many times we have re-painted shopping centers and I always hear back from the business owners were getting new business to move in or the current shops have seen an increase in revenue just by the change of color. Color is powerful and painting is usually the least expensive thing you can do to update the look of a business or building.
We just finished re-painting an interior for an existing gym in Davis that was called peak performance and the new owners have changed the name to Get Fit Davis. They went one step further and took the chance on spending money to change the colors of the facility customers attend. The comments have been overwhelming; “The colors look great”, “I like coming to the gym with the new look”, “The Gym looks inviting”. With the power of color change people see an old business as a new business. How can a new color and Brooks Painting help your building or business? Call us for your free estimate! 530-753-5074