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2023 Charity Paint Giveaway

18th Annual Charity Paint (Voting now closed)

It's that time of year again! We need YOUR help to find a deserving charitable organization, individual, or family who could benefit from $10,000 in our paint services and labor - at NO cost! The top three finalists will advance to the final round of voting, and we will rely on the community to make the final decision!

*Nominations will be accepted until Sunday, April 30th, 2023 at 11:59 pm. Public Voting will be from May 3rd - May 21st, 2023 at 11:59 pm. Winner will be announced: TBD

our Finalists:

Meals on Wheels - Yolo County:

With a nearly 50-year history of nourishing and engaging vulnerable seniors in the community, Meals on Wheels Yolo County (MOW Yolo) now serves more than 650 aging adults countywide with five hot and frozen meals each week, through one, two, or three deliveries per week. All 3,250 meals each week are created "from scratch" with fresh ingredients by our Food Services team in MOW Yolo's current, small meal production kitchen in Woodland. Meal deliveries are provided primarily by volunteers, who deliver smiles and important social contact in addition to dependable nutrition. On an ongoing basis, the program is supported primarily by compassionate, private donors in the community, supplemented by Older Americans Act funding via the Agency on Aging Area 4.

Following a dramatic 65%+ elevation in service over the past year, and the addition of delivery routes to more robustly connect with rural seniors, MOW Yolo's leadership has set bold, transformational goals for the organization in recent months, focused upon DOUBLING the current number of seniors nourished in Yolo County to more than 1,200 by this time next year. This is in the face of 8,000+ seniors in our neighborhoods living in poverty and food insecure, per the 2020 Census. These goals form our "Operation Accelerate" initiative, now in the "Driving Kitchen Capacity" phase, seeking healthier outcomes for local seniors by providing more meals, more nutritiously and more equitably.

Thanks to an investment of one-time American Rescue Plan funding by Yolo County, MOW Yolo has secured the lease on an additional meal production kitchen -- 5,300 square feet formerly occupied by the Buckhorn Restaurant's catering operation in Winters -- to build the capacity needed to bring these goals to reality. However, paint is needed in both kitchens as we equip and staff the new location for maximum impact to nourish more seniors. We are grateful for this nomination, as well as the votes of all who are inspired to advance senior nutrition in our community!

Yolo County YMCA:

Inspiring all people to a healthy life - in spirit, mind and body is the mission that guides the work of the YMCA of Superior California. More than a pool or gym, the Y is a cause dedicated to the positive development of youth, healthy living for people of all ages, and social responsibility in addressing the critical needs of the communities we serve. With programs from athletics to advocacy, dance to disease prevention, and cycling to child care, the Y doesn’t just strengthen individuals, we strengthen communities.

The YMCA of Superior California was formed as a result of the merger of the Yolo County, Yuba-Sutter, Oroville and Greater Sacramento YMCAs and now encompasses five service areas - Sacramento, Yolo, Oroville, Gold Country, and Fair Oaks; each volunteer-led, and each a powerful advocate for the needs of children, families and individuals in their communities. We are the continuation of a 150 year legacy of providing values-based programs for youth, teens, adults and seniors at YMCA facilities and program sites throughout the region. And, while our programs are based on the unique needs and interests of the communities in which they reside, each of our Y’s has one thing in common: our people. The volunteers, staff, members and donors of the Y are all united by a deep commitment to strengthening community and ensuring that everyone - regardless of age, income, or background - has the opportunity to reach their fullest potential. Because, we believe that opportunity shouldn't be a privilege. Together, we ensure it's a right. https://www.ymcasuperiorcal.or...

Woodland Food Closet:

Woodland Volunteer Bureau Food Closet aka Woodland Food Closet was established in 1968 to provide emergency assistance to the needy in Yolo County. The Woodland Food Closet, a community based, non-profit service agency, was originally established in response to a Yolo County Grand Jury report, which saw a real need for the formation of a food distribution source in the Woodland area. Our primary focus is to provide three days of nutritionally balanced meals to every individual referred to us who is in an emergency, or crisis situation, or is waiting for other assistance to begin.

Voting is now closed.

How Does Our Charity Paint Work?

Our mission is to find a deserving charitable organization, individual person, or family who could benefit from up to $10,000 of our painting services, supplied at no cost. We are ready and willing to get to work, but we do need your help deciding who could most benefit from this giveaway.

After reviewing all submissions, we will choose three finalists and share their stories here. We then will rely on your votes to make our final decision.

How Can You Get Involved?

There are a few ways you can participate:

  • Nominate someone today
  • Vote for a finalist online
  • Volunteer to help or donate to the project

Who Are Our Past Recipients?

  • Michelle & Ed Garcia
  • Yolo Hospice
  • Davis Little League
  • The Sharp family
  • Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Center of YOLO County
  • Davis Summer House
  • Hillel House
  • Yolo County Animal Shelter
  • YCCC Safe Harbor House
  • Davis Arts Center
  • Yolo Family Service Agency
  • Yolo Food Bank
  • Woodland Little League