Lead Paint and Your Home
Vintage homes are beautiful, and full of character- but unfortunately they can also contain lead. If your house was built before 1978 that’s something you need to consider before having your home painted or other contracted work done.
The first step to painting your home if you suspect it might have been painted with lead paint is having it tested. You can call a certified lead tester to do the work. Find a list of inspectors at: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CCDPHP/DEODC/CLPPB/Pages/home_test.aspx
My home tested positive for lead... Now what?
It’s time find a paint contractor who is lead certified by the state of California, and can legally take your job. This means the estimators, and the crew leader have gone through EPA RRP Rules training. (Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rules) They’ll follow special lead containment and preparation procedures and then dispose of any lead paint they chip away from your home.
My home has been repainted… do I have to do this every time I repaint?
You shouldn’t need to! If you follow a maintenance schedule of repainting at least every 10-12 years and keep peeling to below 20 square feet of peeling, you should not need to repeat RRP procedures.
Sounds great, who can do the job?
We can! Call Brooks Painting at 530-753-5074 to learn more about this and other services. If you are out of our service area, we suggest you check the epa.gov website and do a RRP Certified vendor search.