Technology Help for Choosing Paint Color

One of the benefits of painting inside or out is the ability to make a big change with your paint colors. But where do you start? Some people (the lucky few!) know exactly what they want, but most people spend a lot of time agonizing over the choices. The colors and combinations seem endless! One tool you can use early in the process is online help. Paint suppliers like Kelly-Moore and Sherwin-Williams have pages on their websites where you can scroll and choose colors to put side by side to make a palette or even upload a photo of your room and impose colors on that. Because computer screens and printers will never be able to give you a completely accurate color impression, you should follow up the online research with actual samples of the colors you have narrowed down. One of the benefits of starting your color ideas online is the freedom to look at options that you may assume are “crazy” or out of your comfort zone. Go ahead; see what that deep teal accent wall may look like next to your soft neutral walls in the office. What about bright orange in your kid’s room? You may hate it, or you may love it, but with no money spent on samples you get a beginning idea of what you may like that’s just a bit outside the box. Even if you’re not ready to pull the trigger on the paint job yet, it’s fun to play with the online color renderings. Give it a try at: or Then, when you’re ready to hire a painting contractor and make your final color choices, give Brooks Painting a call at 530-753-5074 to set up your free estimate appointment in the greater Davis / Sacramento area.
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