Commercial Sign Painting Project in Vacaville
Here’s Your Sign!
The Mariani Company in Vacaville Ca. recently hired Brooks Painting to re-paint their fading logo on their warehouse wall facing Highway 505. Lucky for us we only had to repaint what was there. The colors were faded and weather worn. Some water staining from leaking gutters had left water stains as well. You don’t see a lot of painted signs on buildings these days like you did in the 40’s and 50’s; it’s kind of an iconic look! We spent 5 days repainting the graphics. When you are traveling Highway 505 take a look at our handy work! If you see any Mariani packaged fruit in the stores you shop, grab a bag or box and try them. Their dried fruits are very tasty and fresh. This is a local company to our region. They supported us and we thank the Mariani Family for the local to local business.