How to Make a Room Feel Larger
Whether the rooms in your home are small or large, one enjoyable summer project is to try some room expanding techniques with paint. The more fresh and comfortable a room feels, the better. So here are some great ways to make a room feel larger and cooler.- Paint in light colors. Dark, warm tones create a cozy, small space, whereas light, cool colors create an airy and comfortable space.
- Let natural light in. The more light in a room, the bigger it will feel. If you arrange the room in such a way that natural light can enter and hit the walls, the walls will reflect the light, making the room feel larger and brighter.
- Paint trim and mouldings lighter than the walls to create a reverse shadow effect. For example, if you paint the trim brown when the walls are beige, the trim will appear as a shadow, and it will look like the room is caving in on itself. Whereas if you paint trim white when the walls are beige, it will seem like the walls extend farther back.
- Keep furniture and decorations simple, but tactful. Here are a few ideas of how to do this:
- Use sofas and chairs that match (or are similar in color to) the walls, to make the room appear less cluttered.
- Arrange furniture in diagonal lines (rather than in perfect squares) to allow the eye to travel along farther distances and make the room appear larger.
- Add mirrors in a room to reflect more light and to create more depth.
- Have only 1 or 2 focal points in a room, otherwise there will be confusion in the flow of the room.
Using just a few of these techniques will make a room feel brighter and more spacious. If you'd like our help with your painting project, call us at 530-753-5074 to set up your free estimate.