Bringing Back a Beauty
You have an older home in a beautiful neighborhood with lots of peeling paint. Your neighbors are starting to give you dirty looks. So you realize that it’s time to bring your old beauty back to life. Now what?The first thing you need to think about is the peeling paint. The original paint needs to be removed. If your home was originally painted prior to 1978, then you must remove the lead based paint using EPA standards and practices. Brooks Painting is certified for the safe removal of lead based paint, so we have the knowledge and skill to address the removal of the peeling paint. There are specific requirements that we have to follow, and we are careful and thorough in the removal of the potentially dangerous lead based paint.
The house in the photo was a recent project in downtown Sacramento. Our crew spent 5 days scraping and sanding, re-glazing old sash windows, and removing and replacing shutters. Then they went on to give this tired old home a beautiful fresh look. We kept the house gray, but this time, instead of black shutters and door, selected a deep plum for the front door and a lighter purple for the shutters. The patina on the copper downspouts that flank the house brought it all together to create a beautiful, fresh updated look.
The homeowner was ecstatic with the results and is excited to tackle the interior later down the road. She was so excited to show off her beautiful new home that she asked me to take photos and send them to her so she could post them on Facebook.
So if you’re lucky enough to have an classic older home, but is in need of the same kind of treatment, don’t despair. There are steps that Brooks Painting can take to revive your home. You can have the satisfaction of being able to breathe new life back into your home and know you are doing it safely.